Monday, November 7, 2011

Spinst 4 Lyf

I am nineteen years old and I have never had a boyfriend.
This statement is usually followed by a whole spectrum of reactions from confusion, to pity, to incredibility, to laughter.  Now, I haven't really been all that torn up about the fact that I haven't met any "special someones" yet, but as I start getting older and older, it's becoming harder and harder to just ignore.  The weird thing is, I don't think I've ever even liked anyone or had a real "crush"(unless you want to count little Juan Pablo in kindergarten which I'm assuming you don't, but now I'm thinking I should have pursued that option while I had the chance).  This, coupled with my forever single status, has recently been making me a little self-concious.  I find myself asking the question "Is there something wrong with me?" several times a day. Ok, ok with my mad dance skills, photo booth filled with pictures of myself posing every way imaginable, and crazy eating habits that could be a possibility, I'll give you that.  But honestly does any one else seem to have a problem like this?  I can't bring myself to believe that I am the only one.  It doesn't help that pratically every one I know is in a relationship, including that stinkin' six year old down the street.
My little sister calls me Spinster, Spinst for short.  She's two years younger than me and currently seeing someone.  I'm starting to think her clever nickname for me might actually be a fairly accurate prophecy.
I should probably invest in this some time soon..

Love to all my single friends,
Spinst 4 Lyf

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