Saturday, November 6, 2010

Entering Candy Land

Let's get the niceties out of the way.  Hi, I'm Alex. Nice to meet you.
Well that was pleasant enough..
If you were unfortunate enough to stumble across this blog, you may wonder what exactly the point of it is.  I'm not artistically gifted enough to go make a new dress a day and document it or care enough to write reviews.  I don't have a unique talent I want to showcase but, I have thoughts.  I have ideas.  And if I don't write down these thoughts and ideas, they are lost forever in my mind (which coincidentally I imagine looks a lot like a twisted version of Candy Land) or piling up into mountains of sticky, sugary messes.  I have thousands of gumdrop ideas floating around my head at any given moment.  It gets a little crowded in there.  I figure, if I can get it all out, I might be able to enjoy the flavor of each new and individual piece of candy.  (If you couldn't tell by this analogy, I'm currently craving some good old Halloween candy).
And so, this is me.  I hope you can use this to maybe get out of writing that English paper you know you should be but just can't seem to bring yourself to it, or to distract yourself from all those children running around constantly asking to be fed.. on second thought, please take a break and go feed your children I'll be here when you get back, promise. If you can get a few laughs, whether they be as a result of my witty humor (hold laughter here) or if they come at my expense, I'm glad I could oblige.
You're probably dozing off now, or getting distracted by some ad claiming they have the one secret step to a perfect stomach (fyi, it's a dud trust me) and I really have nothing more to say so..
How are you supposed to end a blog post?  Forgive me, I'm new to this concept.  Would a simple see you later be appropriate?  Let's just go with goodbye.



  1. I love candy. I will be back for more! Well done, already hooked...

  2. haha that made me laugh!
