Monday, November 15, 2010

Why So Serious?

So I think I've failed at being a "blogger".  It has been a week since my last post so I feel this one should be extra good.  Problem -nothing exciting has been going on in my life.  Well nothing I think is really worth your time.  Maybe after living such a crazy life, and finally settling down, my standards are a bit too high. It's like if I'm not witnessing drug addicts jumping from the windows of buses, holding sharp objects, making threats; then I'm just not impressed.  You can see where I'm coming from.
Side note: I guess not all of you know my life story so let's clear up some of the confusion.  I just recently moved to Northern Kentucky to go to school.  Before, I was living in Mexico with my parents working at Campamento Tierralta.  It is an evangelistic camp for the OSY (Out of School Youth) of Mexico City and it is about the greatest thing you could ever be a part of.  I miss it so much more than I ever though I would.  What I mean by this is that I wasn't always..thrilled.. to be there.  We (my family and I) had lived in a different part of Mexico for a few years before making the move to this new area, and to say I was unhappy there would be like saying Harry Potter had a bit of bad luck - Cue the reason for my HP reference!-------------->
It would just be silly. I want to apologize formally to my family for putting up with me and my moody self during those darker days.  I don't completely understand the difference between depression and just being sad, but I'm thinking I was leaning a little more towards the former. And I feel I can now fully comprehend the term relapse.  I just began reading Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert.  She describes it perfectly, "Depression and Loneliness track me down... They come upon me all silent and menacing like Pinkerton Dectectives, and they flank me-Depression on my left, Loneliness on my right.  They don't need to show me their badges.  I know these guys very well." After my.. let's just call it "Dark Period", this has been my life.  I won't get into the reasons of this state, because it's just depressing (pun intended).  I have been utterly content for the past few years, but those two fellows still like to make the occasional unexpected visit-which isn't very courteous might I add.
Well that was a little heavier than I intended it to be.  I should make it known though that I would not change one single second of my past.  I thank God for every trial, every "dark period".  And while going through another time like this would not be the most pleasant experience, I would welcome it greatfully because I know there is obviously something I need to learn.  Let me let you in on a little secret, hard times are so much better than good times.  When you think you've hit rock bottom, look on the bright side, you can't get any lower!  On the opposite side, you're feeling on top of the world.. you're gonna have to come down at some time.  So whether you're having the crappiest (sorry for the word choice, Mom) or the greatest day of your life, just be thankful.
I learned a lot during those times and I continue to.

Nice pep talk there huh?  I promise future blogs will not be quite this intense, but I'm glad we got the elephant out of the room..
Isn't that just precious?
Glad to see he found somewhere else to crash.  That's enough for today.  Business class is calling my name, and I will fondly oblige.

Thank you for being so patient,
more frequent, less mopy entries to come!


  1. You're an excellent writer. Keep blogging! What are you majoring in?

  2. Thank you, I will. I am currently majoring in Marketing. I would like to explore the option of dual majoring because Communications is looking more and more attractive to me.


  3. Awesome marketing sounds fun. And yes, communications definitely has some fun classes!

  4. Oh Alex, I just love you!! You made me cry! I am so very proud of you and miss you terribly. Thanks for sharing your heart w/us!!

  5. So here I am sitting just crying my eyes out. You are such a good writer it is soooo nice to read and it is like a book I want more. Sweetheart mommy loves you sooo much and it is soo cool that you are doing this and I will cherish it forever

    -your momma

  6. Hey...this is your aunt April.

    I guess I was not the only one to are awesome!!! I TOTALLY understand what you said and touched me.

    Love you girl!!!!

  7. Alexandra,

    As I read your blog I was so completely impressed and caught off guard. So proud of you and the growth you are showing in your life. I feel like a long lost brother who lost touch with his family (honest truth). Although, I am sad that we have lost touch, I look forward to reconnecting with each and every one of you. Love you, miss you, and am praying for you. If ever you need anything. I am only a couple states away.

    You're big brother,

  8. alex you are an excellent writer i'm very proud of you and i feel honor to be called your friend, i know how you feel, and i just want you to know that you have a friend in Mexico who prays for you and misses you so much more than you can imagine :(

    we'll meet again... :D
